No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 3, '(path: "database.validateUrl", procedure: CreateProcedureWithInputOutputParser<{ user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }, {}, { url: string; }, { ...; }, { ...; }, unknown>): Router<...>', gave the following error. Type '({ input: { url } }: { ctx: { user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }; input: { url: string; }; type: ProcedureType; }) => { ...; } | { ...; }' is not assignable to type 'ProcedureResolver<{ user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }, { url: string; }, InferLast<{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }>>'. Type '{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; } | { success: boolean; validationErrors?: undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'InferLast<{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }> | Promise>'. Type '{ success: boolean; validationErrors?: undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'InferLast<{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }> | Promise>'. Type '{ success: boolean; validationErrors?: undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'InferLast<{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }>'. Type '{ success: boolean; validationErrors?: undefined; }' is not assignable to type '{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }'. Types of property 'validationErrors' are incompatible. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'ValidationErrorType'. Overload 2 of 3, '(path: "database.validateUrl", procedure: CreateProcedureWithInput<{ user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }, {}, { url: string; }, { ...; }>): Router<...>', gave the following error. Type '({ input: { url } }: { ctx: { user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }; input: { url: string; }; type: ProcedureType; }) => { ...; } | { ...; }' is not assignable to type 'ProcedureResolver<{ user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }, { url: string; }, InferLast<{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }>>'. Overload 3 of 3, '(path: "database.validateUrl", procedure: CreateProcedureWithoutInput<{ user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }, {}, { success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }, unknown>): Router<...>', gave the following error. Type '({ input: { url } }: { ctx: { user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }; input: { url: string; }; type: ProcedureType; }) => { ...; } | { ...; }' is not assignable to type 'ProcedureResolver<{ user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }, undefined, InferLast<{ success: boolean; validationErrors: ValidationErrorType; }>>'. Types of parameters '__0' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }; input: undefined; type: ProcedureType; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { user: { id: string; email: string; sub: string; entry?: string | undefined; role: "SUPERUSER" | "ADMIN" | "USER"; }; userId: string; }; input: { url: string; }; type: ProcedureType; }'. Types of property 'input' are incompatible. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type '{ url: string; }'